Saturday, January 13, 2018

In The Beginning: Biting The Bullet

Around the third quarter of 2016, I handed my resignation letter to HR. I was leaving the network I called home for nearly 7 years.

If you're planning on moving to another company, apply during the early part of the year. Most people will tell you December is the worst month to look for a job, because instead of hiring, HR is busy with office Christmas parties. I should know. I've gone through 3 Christmases wherein my gift was, "Next time na lang, ha?" to all my loved ones.

Luckily, by March 2017 I got a job at a small agency for events and advertising. I thought going back to advertising would be fun. Instead, six months later, I was again handing in a resignation letter. But this time, even before went to HR, I was already applying left anf right, here and abroad.

Sadly, I found out that people of my age and level of experience will have a harder time moving companies. There's less vacancies, naturally.

So when December 2017 came around, I had to bite the bullet. I had bills to pay. I needed a job that was in or near Marikina (since I moved back home). And I needed one fast.

Only one industry I knew fit the bill.

And that's how I came to be a call daddy.


Mugen said...

If you get tired of Call Centers, there's always UpWork. :)

citybuoy said...

I was scrolling through the next entry and wondered how you wandered into this industry. I shall read in order now. :p